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Ensō CLI Tool

To be able to run an application using Ensō, you need to first load the hardware design to the FPGA and configure it accordingly. Ensō provides a CLI tool that makes this process easier. Here we describe how to install it.

Installing the Ensō CLI Tool

If you haven't already, clone the enso repository to the machine you want to install the tool on:

git clone

To install the Ensō CLI Tool run:

cd <root of enso repository>
python3 -m pip install -e frontend  # Make sure this python is version >=3.9.

This will install the enso command. In Running, we will describe how to use this command to load the hardware design and configure the NIC but you can also use the command itself to obtain usage information:

enso --help

If, after installing the tool, you still get an error saying that the enso command is not found, you may need to add the bin directory of the python installation to your PATH. Refer to this stackoverflow answer for more information on how to do this.

Running the Ensō CLI Tool in a different machine optional

You do not need to run the enso command in the same machine as the one you will run an Ensō-based application. You may also choose to run it from your laptop, for example. This machine can even have a different operating system, e.g., macOS.

We refer to the machine that you plan to run the enso command as client and to the machine you will run the Ensō-based application (the one with the FPGA) as server.

The enso command provides the --host <host name> option that lets you specify a different server machine. But there are a few extra configuration steps that you need in order to use this option. First, you need to make sure that you have ssh access using a password-less key (e.g., using ssh-copy-id) from the client to the server machine. The client should also have an ~/.ssh/config configuration file set with configuration to access the server machine. The command does not support SSH Agent so you must make sure that you specify the IdentityFile in the configuration file.

If you don't yet have an ~/.ssh/config file, you can create one and add the following lines, replacing everything between <> with the correct values:

Host <server_machine_name>
  HostName <server_machine_address>
  IdentityFile <private_key_path>
  User <user_name>

server_machine_name is a nickname to the server machine. This is the name you specify when running the enso command with the --host option.

Enable autocompletion optional

Follow these instructions to enable autocompletion to the enso command depending on the shell that you use.

Run this:

_ENSO_COMPLETE=bash_source enso > ~/.enso-complete.bash

Then add the following to your .bashrc:

. ~/.enso-complete.bash

Run this:

_ENSO_COMPLETE=zsh_source enso > ~/.enso-complete.zsh

Then add the following to your .zshrc:

. ~/.enso-complete.zsh

Save the following script to ~/.config/fish/completions/

_ENSO_COMPLETE=fish_source enso > ~/.config/fish/completions/